It Could be the Eclipse ~ 17 June 2011

Sure. What’s happening right now, especially the emotional quivering on the inside, could be the result of the lunar eclipse of the other day. Then again, it could be something far more galactically inspired, boosted by the eclipse.

Over the past several days Mercury passed opposite the Galactic Center and on to oppose a series of x-ray eclipsing binary pulsars, including the fastest spinning pulsar known. Today the Sun starts a five day track, mimicking the efforts of Mercury.

Mercury spins ideas, creates busy details, demands that to do lists be updated on an hourly basis and floods the circuits with a sense of way too much to do.

The Galactic Center renders progressive ideas into the collective unconscious. Anyone bothering to tune into that station - 27 Sag 00.5 on the zodiac dial - listens to the whispers of inspiration of ideas that might seem just a trifle ahead of the time. But if these ideas are to manifest just as the time is right, someone must track those ideas ahead of that time, develop them and put them into play... precisely at the time that the collective consciousness can wrap around them.

The x-ray eclipsing binary pulsars seek to point out all inherent dualities, multiple points of view and alternate perspectives provide an incisive look to determine the intention behind any thought or action. These pulsars very quickly point out that too many words or repetitions of those words weary listeners and weigh down emotional responses. Things don’t need to be repeated ad nauseam. Things need to be stated clearly and recognized for the statement they are. That’s it. Lock on or don’t. If not, then let it go and move along... you might be standing in the way.

Now these effects to points in Sagittarius - the Galactic Center - and Sagittarius/Capricorn the slew of x-ray eclipsing binary pulsars from Gemini and Cancer bring an interesting set of circumstances and visceral reactions to those effects. It’s a bit of now you see it, now you don’t. Here today, gone tomorrow. Back again. Not really. Yes it is. Nope. Sure, it’s back for real. This kind of flip flopping can be very disconcerting for planets in Cancer working to stock the shelves in the root cellar (or doomsday shelter - now available for under $10,000!) for unknown eventualities when someone keeps flicking the on/off switch on the lights. Or perhaps that’s how it feels.

Still, Mercury’s point in this set up is to whack the beehive of cosmic ideas to ensure that all the worker bees are doing their perfect part in the honey comb of tapping into the galactic nectars. Too sweet? Okay, the ideas are swirling and they’re important. Figure out your priorities, declare your intentions and get started. Put your hand in play and wait for the other folks at the poker table to declare if they’re bluffing or continuing on with you. Yes the ideas are risky, but not as risky as betting the farm on a weak flush or refusing to move on an idea whose time has come. This has been the swirl of energy in the past few days starting just prior to the eclipse and continuing on for the next few days.

Now the Sun comes along and really shines the light on all corners. The Sun will help you determine which ideas have legs and need to be pursued, which are no count and which can be deferred until a bit later down the road. El Sol agrees to flesh out ideas with dedicated applied thought and declares avenues that require your best attention, cheerful attitude and unwavering persistence.

There’s an amazing thing that happens when working in harmony with x-ray eclipsing binary pulsars: work can be done faster that one might assume is humanly possible. Have you gone bionic or been invaded by the souls of extraterrestrials? Nah. You’re simply realizing that when energy is applied within a creative flow, things move effortlessly and easily toward fulfillment. I read a post on a writing blog yesterday where a writer was lamenting a lack of a sense of where to dedicate creative energy between various possible stories that could be written. It’s really simple. Write the one that calls to you the loudest. Put energy into where the conscious attention is being summoned and zoom! Away you go.

Bear in mind the ideas developing seem to have a life force of their own. They will fan out, spread and spill into new streams of consciousness. This cannot be abated, nor should it. Work to keep track of each new spillway, give it a purpose and an intent, slap it into the list of priorities and then go back to where your energy is called. Over the next week the Sun completely supports efforts devoted to idea development, tracking the Galactic Center and getting groovy, well-guided plans in play.

As next month begins another planet renders a hand in the eclipse embellished, galactic planning guide. Venus opposes the Galactic Center and these pulsars in the first seven days or so of July. I’ll borrow from a writing book I’m in the process of reading, Riding the Alligator. In one part the author, Pen Densham, encourages writing anything that’s on your mind and coming through, no matter if you think it’s junk or brilliant. Later, often what felt like junk - sometimes without so much as a tweak - appears to shimmer and shine brilliantly. But you won’t realize that if you don’t pull it out of the ethers and review it later, you know, like under a Venus opposition. It is Venus’ job to note the luster and value of things, tangible and intangible. So, as July rolls around so does Venus with a can of polish in one hand and a finger snap to those she wants to do the dusting with the other. If there’s nothing to polish, she’ll wander along looking for something else potentially shiny.

July means to have its way following up on the eclipse push infused with Galactic Center insights. As the month draws to a close, Mars opposes the Galactic Center, then continues on through oppositions with those very cool, anomalistic pulsars. This is the call to action. No hesitation permitted. Muster the needed fortitude and press on... or not. If you don’t someone else will and later will reap the benefits and rewards for being on the leading edge of innovation. This is where one does not want to be left in the dust of others, muttering, “I had that idea.” Yes, but those who mount the horse and ride the race are eligible for the winner’s circle. Or as the Arizona Lottery notes in its TV commercials, “You can’t win if you don’t play.”

Despite trepidation, anxiety or concern for reaction, Mars is willing to take on a purpose-driven, well-intended course for the duration. So, if you’re feeling rattled by emotional concerns courtesy of the recent eclipse, can you think of a better time than to jump onboard the cosmic bus, have your ticket punched and take the ride?